My request to the world community
Dear United Nations, Kurt Rommel’s words made such an impression on me as an old man that I made them my words:
Lord, give me courage to build bridges,
give me the courage to take the first step.
let me trust on your bridges
and if I go, you go with me.
I would like to build bridges
where everyone sees deep ditches.
I want to look behind fences
and walk over high walls.
I’d like to shake hands there
where someone clenches hard fists.
I keep looking for signs
of peace between young and old.
I don’t wanna go to the moon
yet to my enemy’s door.
I don’t want to start a fight;
whether there will be peace is also up to me.
Lord, give me courage to build bridges,
give me the courage to take the first step.
let me trust on your bridges
and if I go, you go with me.
© Kurt Rommel (1926 – 2011), Protestant pastor, involved in youth work and musical and cultural education. 1974 to 1991 editor-in-chief of the Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt for Württemberg, numerous publications, including hundreds of songs
I ask you to do everything possible to organize a peace conference. the system war in Ukraine is about to destroy our world community, you are the only ones who can prevent this.
As a basis for this peace conference, I have drafted a draft for a peace treaty between the warring systems, which is certainly not perfect and can be improved with your help.
1. Crimea is a territory of Russia
2. The contested territory will be subject to a UN mandate
assumes that the Security Council administers
3. UN troops control security in the
mandate areas
4. Eliminate Ukrainians and Russians under UN supervision
Troops the mines in the mandate areas and in the
associated waters
5. A UN commission investigates the damage to buildings
and the infrastructure in the mandated areas of the fortress
and calculates the cost of recovery.
6. Russia will bear the cost of rebuilding the
destroyed facilities in the
mandate areas
7. Ukraine declares the reconstruction of on her
Area destroyed facility to transact itself
8. Ukraine gets free access to all ports in
the mandate areas and is given the opportunity to
To deliver grain immediately by ship to the world
7. Ukraine announces new elections, which are under control
the UN and the EU after examining the
of the Constitution.
8. Russia declares no claims to former to
territories belonging to the Soviet Union
have and assures this in a declaration of the UNO
9. Ukraine and Russia sign one
Peace treaty that the UN will formulate
and will secure peace between the two nations
10. The UN secures Russia to all against Russia
directed measures to end immediately
Let’s make the Ode to Joy a reality
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods
Daughter from Elysium
We enter, drunk with fire
Heavenly, your sanctuary
Your spells bind again
What the fashion strictly divided
all people become brothers
Where your gentle wing rests
Who made the big hit
to be a friend’s friend
Whoever has won a devoted wife
Mix in his cheers
Yes, who even has a soul
His names on the earth round
And whoever hasn’t been able to steal
Weeping out of this covenant
All beings drink joy
On the breasts of nature
All good, all bad
Follow their trail of roses
She gave us kisses and vines
A friend tested in death
pleasure was given to the worm
And the cherub stands before God
Happy, happy as his suns, his suns are flying
Happy as his suns fly
Through Heaven’s magnificent plan
Run, brothers, your path
Run, brothers, your path
Happy like a hero to victory
Like a hero to win
Run, brothers, your path
(Run, brothers, your course)
Happy like a hero to victory
Like a hero to win
Happy, happy, happy like a hero to win
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods
Daughter from Elysium
We enter, drunk with fire
Heavenly, your sanctuary
Your spells bind again
What the fashion strictly divided
all people become brothers
Where your gentle wing rests
Be embraced, millions
This kiss for the whole world
Be embraced, millions
This kiss for the whole world
Brothers, above the starry sky
Must a dear father live
Brothers, above the starry sky
Must a dear father live
You fall down, millions?
Do you suspect the Creator, world?
Over the starry sky
He must dwell above the stars
Thank you Dum spiro spero As long as I breathe I hope
Juni 19th, 2022 11:19
FRIEDEN mit FREIHEIT und Zusammenarbeit.
Kriege sind die sinnlose HÖLLE auf der ERDE, menschengemacht !
FRIEDEN ist das optimierte Zusammenleben auf der ERDE, menschengemacht !
Nach einem gemeinsamen FRIEDENSFEST, weltweit und religionsübergreifend kennt jeder den Friedenswillen des Anderen Mitmenschen. FRIEDEN entsteht.
Juni 24th, 2022 10:26
Da haben Sie völlig recht
Juni 24th, 2022 10:27
Dem stimme ich voll und ganz zu